CPKC Women's Open

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Rose Zhang

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Rose, impressive day with some of the challenging conditions. As you walk off the course, how are you feeling after day one?

ROSE ZHANG: I'm feeling really good. From the start I had some errant tee shots, and it's something that you can't really afford on this golf course since it's so narrow.

I was able to have some lucky bounces, lucky outs, and I capitalized on that. So really glad how the day went. Just keep it going the next couple days.

Q. When did you feel it start to click out there?

ROSE ZHANG: It started clicking in the back nine I would say. I was able to get some drives in the fairway. I was able to hit my approach shots somewhat close, within birdie range, and being able to capitalize on that while having some lag putts, everything went pretty smoothly.

Q. A good number of birdies out there. What was most memorable for and you what kept the round going the way you wanted it to go?

ROSE ZHANG: Well, I actually don't remember my scorecard very well because I don't really think much about it, but I will say my first birdie on the front nine -- or the back nine that I started from -- was definitely a momentum changer because I was coming off a bogey.

Oh, from the rough I had -- it was I believe 16; I was able to get a birdie, so definitely a hole that really helped me going forward.

Q. You're a west coast girl. Do you find you have to make any yardage adjustments here? I've always been told sea level, up in Canada the ball doesn't go anywhere.

ROSE ZHANG: Right. The ball doesn't really good as far so Gilly and I had to adjust for a couple yardages and we accounted more for wind and landing.

Definitely sea level you're going to be hitting it somewhat shorter.

Q. So he's a Canadian?

ROSE ZHANG: He is, so he knows a lot about the place. I'm really excited that he's happy and excited to be in his home country.

Q. Are you feeling more comfortable on this course? I know an early morning, a little bit crispier out there. Are you feeling more comfortable as you've got a couple practice rounds and one competitive round in on Shaughnessy?

ROSE ZHANG: Definitely, but you can never be too comfortable, especially on this golf course. Every day the conditions are going to be changing. I know the wind picks up in the afternoon, so tomorrow's tee time I'm going to be aware of that and just keep doing what I'm doing and prepare for that.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
136097-1-1041 2023-08-24 20:16:00 GMT

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