CPKC Women's Open

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Hannah Green

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Hannah, a nice solid under-par finish here today. Just overall how are you feeling after 18 holes here at Shaughnessy?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, it was a grind. I played really well on my front nine, which was the back nine. Then the wind got really gusty. Got pretty tough to hit the greens. I was just fortunate enough that I missed in the right areas to be able to make up and down.

Shaughnessy is a tough golf club. I played with Yuka today and she shot 6-under on the back nine, our front nine. I was like, damn, that is a really great round. We were just kind of feeding off each other today.

Q. What's it like for you when someone else in your group is going low? Some golfers kind of put the blinders on and focus on their own game, but does that help kick up momentum for the entire group?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I think so. Sometimes you feel like it's hard to chase if you're not playing well, but then sometimes it's a good thing you are feeding off each other. I felt like that is what we were doing today.

We also Allisen and she is always good company to play with, too. So we were kind of feeding off each other, and it was fun seeing Yuka make so many birdies because she had four in a row, which is a tough thing to do around here.

Q. To have the three birdies you had in the first five holes I believe, how much did that kind of help settle -- when your back nine came, how much did that help ease your thoughts of that course?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I actually thought the back nine was tougher with no wind playing involved. So I was like, okay, this is a good start.

And then finally saw how gusty the front nine was so I was like, okay, kind of don't want to put the hand brake up, but try and make as many pars as possible out there.

I hit it close on the front, like my first nine holes, and that's why I was able to have birdies. So it was nice, but the back nine I kind of hit a couple wayward drives and didn't have the best shots into the greens.

So might just go hit some balls now that I've finished my round.

Q. How did it feel to close with the birdie on 9 though?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, that was a nice surprise for that to go in. I probably gave myself the toughest putt on that hole. Had a couple feet of break and it was down the hill, so it was nice for that one to fall in.

I felt pretty confident with the putter and the reads I hit today.

Q. What in your mind makes this course such a challenge?

HANNAH GREEN: It's not like the narrowest course we've ever played, but the greens are pretty small. Even though there might be a wider surface there is actually not as much room to play with as it looks.

Obviously you've got to hit fairways and hit the greens to start with to be able to have a chance at birdie, but doing that for 18 holes here is quite difficult.

I actually think the par-3s are really, really hard. I had a 5-wood into one of them, I had a 5-iron. So not typical for it to usually be that long.

So it's a tough golf course, and be interesting to see how the scores hold up.

Q. Is it playing long?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I mean, it's like getting kind of firm depending on -- the greens I should say. The fairways if you hit it down the left side usually you get the downgrain so it rolls a little bit.

The greens are kind of hard to predict with how the first bounce will be because they look like they should be soft, but it takes a big bounce and you're like, oh, okay, I need to incorporate and think about that.

Q. How long was the putt on 9?

HANNAH GREEN: Maybe 15, 18 feet.

Q. Just kind of to wrap, we talked with Gabbi before the week and I know about the lovely dinner the Aussies hosted. What have you kind of have instilled any advice with her? What's it like to see kind of her rise through the ranks, also through the Epson Tour and to secure her card for 2024?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, she's always been really talented. We knew that she would make it to the LPGA, but to do it in style and win three times on Epson is amazing. I'm excited for her to come out.

She has a lot of potential, and I think a lot of people are going to try and be able to caddie for her. She's a really nice person, so it will be nice to have her out here with the rest of us Aussies the next year.

Q. The cake was a nice touch.

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah. Well, I don't know if you guys heard about her story.

Q. Yeah.

HANNAH GREEN: Okay, well, she was like almost not wanting to come to dinner. I was like, this dinner is just for you. You need to come. Luckily the accident wasn't too bad and she wasn't injured. She was a little bit shaken up.

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136103-1-1041 2023-08-24 20:49:00 GMT

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