CPKC Women's Open

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Sei Young Kim

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Sei Young Kim. Sei Young, just take us through your first round here at Shaughnessy.

SEI YOUNG KIM: Yeah, quite solid the front nine. I had three in a row birdie and I got the good momentum.

Especially after the back nine we got the pretty much wind, a little bit of -- it's not easy to attack to the front the second shot.

But, yeah, I played quite solid overall, so, yeah, I'm just look forward to next three days. Yeah.

Q. And you mentioned it, but the three birdies in a row, just take us through what was working for you during that stretch.

SEI YOUNG KIM: Just on the green and I made a long putt three times, so I was like, wow, it's good day. (Laughter.)

Yeah, and then pretty good my putting feelings the front nine. Yeah.

Q. You've had a lot of success in Canada. Three top 10 finishes here at this event. What is it about Canada that brings out the best in your game?

SEI YOUNG KIM: Yeah, it's good location because the people are very nice and the food is great and the golf course is awesome. Always happy to back to Canada and playing.

Yeah, it's great to be back here again.

Q. You have seen the course a few days now. Couple practice rounds and the pro-am and whatnot. What have been your thoughts on Shaughnessy?

SEI YOUNG KIM: I play with the members when I play the pro-am, so they recommend how to hit the tee shot. That's the big deal. Yeah, if you take the risk it's going to be, yeah, good advantage, which is mean the good course.

So, yeah, it's for fun, but it's kind of my heart are kind of little faster when I hit too much risk. Yeah, it's just that.

And the greens are really fast, so where your pitch is really important, so just a good -- you need, yeah, a good strategy.

Q. Speaking of it, last one, we haven't seen a lot of low scores. What do you think will be some of the keys or what were some of the keys today in order to finish as low as you have? We've seen only a few people under par.

SEI YOUNG KIM: The few players got the good feeling I think, even the course is really tough. But whose players good feeling, doesn't matter, it's easy to play. I think I keep the good feelings. Yeah, that's biggest key, even we played only the difficult golf course.

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