CPKC Women's Open

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Yuka Saso

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Yuka, a 6-under day today. Definitely some challenging conditions out there. Just what was working so well through 18 holes?

YUKA SASO: First nine was pretty stable. Hit it okay. Putted okay. I don't know what happened the back nine. I started hitting some good second shots and having short putts for birdies, giving myself a lot of chances.

Yeah, I think it was a good day and I really enjoyed playing alongside Allisen and Hannah.

Q. That consecutive streak of four birdies in a row, Hannah definitely gave you kudos there for the way this course was playing today. What was working so well there and can you walk us through what those shots were like for you?

YUKA SASO: Yeah, first we start on the back nine, so first hole I pulled my drive on the left a little bit and had probably 220 to the hole. Had a hybrid in and went a little long, but easy chip from there and gave myself probably three, four feet for birdie.

Second hole tried to do it again. From fairway had probably 80, 90 yards and had probably like this to the hole. I don't know what that is. Like one inch?

Q. Yeah.

YUKA SASO: And then third hole, par-3, pretty good result. Had three feet for birdie.

And then fourth hole, tee shot, second cut; had a decent shot but ended up pretty close, about three feet again. Yeah.

Q. I mean, a 6-under day right now with the clubhouse lead by at least three shots, it is definitely a challenging day. What do you like most about kind of this course in general and just the challenges that it provides?

YUKA SASO: Actually don't know. I just hit it good and gave myself good chances and was able to take it.

But I think playing with Hannah and Allisen helped. I really enjoyed playing with them.

So, yeah, and also I think just trying to be patient about with the mosquitoes. There was a lot of mosquitoes. The bug spray helped a lot. The wind, too.

So, yeah.

Q. In your mind, as you said, you were hitting those second shots really well. Is it something you've been working on, dialing in on your ball striking?

YUKA SASO: Yeah, I mean, the whole season I think not only me, but everyone wants our irons to be very consistent and really good. I think that paid off a little bit today.

It's just the first day, so, yeah, see how it goes the next few days.

Q. When is the last time you felt everything click the way it did during those birdie stretches there?

YUKA SASO: The last time?

Q. The last time you felt...

YUKA SASO: Oh, pretty long ago I think. Oh, maybe Evian.

Q. Okay.

YUKA SASO: It was pretty good, too. Not as good as I did today, but pretty close.

Q. As you get ready for tomorrow, what do you hope to take from a round like this as you head into day two?

YUKA SASO: Some good shots I guess that I hit, if I can take it from today into tomorrow.

But tomorrow is a new day. Just have to be patient and do what I have to do and enjoy it.

Q. Is this your first time in Vancouver?


Q. When is the last time you were here?

YUKA SASO: Last time? Many years ago, probably four. Yeah, maybe four, five years ago. I was still an amateur.

Q. Was it for an amateur tournament?

YUKA SASO: I've been to Canada a few times. Toronto and then here in Vancouver as well. Maybe two times in Toronto and then one time or two times here. (Wind.)

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