CPKC Women's Open

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Linn Grant

Quick Quotes

Q. We just talked about it over there, but you were 1-under through 11 holes and really turned it on on the back nine. What was working so well for you on the last couple holes?

LINN GRANT: I think it was a mix of some lucky birdies and some really good ones. I think after 12 I kind of got confidence going and kind of felt more confident hitting the shots and relying on my golf and myself.

More of a confidence boost on the back nine.

Q. Four birdies in a row. What was it about those holes that really clicked for you?

LINN GRANT: Like I said, couple wedge shots going in on those holes. Almost reachable par-5, so I hit them closer. Kind of got close on that par-5. They're not free birdies but they feel like it.

So, yeah, just some nice golf there.

Q. A lot of players are having a hard time scoring out there this afternoon, in the afternoon wave. Why do you think your round was different?

LINN GRANT: I think I was prepared for that. I think looking at the course yesterday and this morning, I said to myself that it is going to be difficult. I was not expecting a minus-5 today. Level par in my head was a good score, which it is put here. It's tough.

Like I said, when you get into that mood anything is possible and I think that's probably (indiscernible)

Q. How did you thing it was going to be different? What were you seeing on TV or how were you scouting it out that made you think, oh, it's going to be harder this afternoon?

LINN GRANT: More that I think the course is tough. It's really narrow off the tee and if you get in the rough it's kind of hard to get the ball to stop on the greens because they're so firm and so tiny and they're fast.

So I think you got everything on this golf course. If you're not ready for it it's going to hit you when you go out there.

Q. Must have been a challenge with the greens. Couple shots it looked like you hit a pretty good approach shot and catches on the edge and rolls right off, right?

LINN GRANT: Yeah, it is difficult. You just have to -- I think my approach was just being very patient and not too greedy with certain pins. Kind of rely on just hitting it middle of the green and rely on my putting instead.

Q. You talked about with Angela how you weren't 100% on your swing going into today's round. What do you take away then from your last couple holes? Also, what you do work on between now and tomorrow?

LINN GRANT: Well, I think that's just golf. Like some days you don't feel like you got it but it turns out to be okay anyway.

I think it is going to be better every day I go out there. I just have to kind of grind it out a little bit and hit my practice swings when I'm done and in the morning tomorrow.

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