CPKC Women's Open

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Jin Young Ko

Quick Quotes

Q. All right Jin Young, welcome back to the CPKC Women's Open. How are you feeling after day one here?

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, I played solid today and I'm really happy to hit lots of green and hit -- I made a lot of putts today.

So, yeah, I'm really happy and I have three more days, so I -- yeah, I need to get more birdies for next three days. Yeah, I play really well today.

Q. A past champ of this event. What's it like coming back to the CPKC Women's Open, and what do you remember from your win in 2019?

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, after 2019 we couldn't play in Canada because COVID, and we back to Canada last year. It's almost over three years. I missed the cut last year so I really sad.

I know the Vancouver city a really nice and lots of Korean people out there, so it's going to be really fun. That is great motivate to me, and I really want to showing great performance inside the golf course today.

So, yeah, it help me and, yeah, I feel like I'm playing in Korea, so, yeah, I got a lot of birdies today.

Q. How satisfied are you after a round like today and what did you like most about your game on a course as challenging as Shaughnessy?

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, that golf course is not easy. Fairways are narrow and greens are small and green speed is getting more faster so we need more focus on the green.

Around the green is not easy, so we need to concentration from the shot by shot, and, yeah, lots of claps out there so it's fun.

Q. What do you take from today as you you look to the next couple days?

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, I was just enjoy and I will trust myself and just hit well and make a lot of putts. That's it.

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