CPKC Women's Open

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Brooke Henderson

Quick Quotes

Q. Sum up today's round.

BROOKE HENDERSON: I just wasn't sharp today so hopefully just go out tomorrow morning early, get off to a quick start, make more birdies.

It's kind of funny because early on in the round, like three shots better and I was in the top 10. So it's like it's a really tough golf course. It can really jump up and bite you sometimes. If you get on the right side of momentum you can make things happen, and hopefully that's what I'll do tomorrow.

Q. Anything in particular that was bothering you or not sharp today?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I think just overall. It's definitely not the way you want to start out, especially at this big event, but hopefully just make things a little bit more efficient and sharper tomorrow and hopefully things will be a little better.

Q. How was the first round with the glasses?

BROOKE HENDERSON: It was all right. It was nice. At least I could see my ball in the bush, which was kind of a good thing I guess. No, made it a lot easier on me, a lot less strain and I didn't have to ask where it was every time I hit it.

So that was good, but, yeah, definitely tomorrow will be better.

Q. Golf course itself today, how would you assess how it was playing out there and how different it may be week in and week out on the LPGA Tour?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it played a little bit different than it did in the practice round days. It was softer and the pins were really friendly today I feel like. The other days I guess I was expecting for the greens to be a little bit more slopey. They had them in flat spots, which was nice. I just didn't take advantage.

It's kind of unfortunate when they soften stuff up from the practice round days, but that's what happens. Just going to learn and deal from it.

Q. When you have a day like today, what do you do to recover and get yourself set for tomorrow?

BROOKE HENDERSON: It's a really quick turnaround, so hopefully just go have some dinner, get a good night's rest, and come out early in the morning and have a good solid warmup and just go after trying to make some birdies early.

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