CPKC Women's Open

Friday, August 25, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Megan Khang

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Megan Khang. Megan, did pretty well today. What was it, six birdies, five in a row. Just what was working so well for you today?

MEGAN KHANG: You know, today it was a solid day. You know, yesterday I felt pretty good myself. You know, it's never a good feeling finishing three bogeys in a row so obviously I knew I could play some pretty good golf out here.

Each day is different but, yeah, no, kind of mid-round my ball striking got pretty hot and then my putter was just getting hot as well.

So just kind of like staying patient out there. The front nine felt monotonous making one birdie, but on this kind of golf course par is definitely your friend, and sometimes it's a really good par out there.

Q. You mentioned when you end a round, three bogeys, what's the mindset coming into the next round trying to bounceback and putting an a bogey-free performance like you did?

MEGAN KHANG: You know, I talked to my caddie, Jack, and we kind of talk about the round after each day. Yesterday, I mean, I don't know what quite happened. I hit some errant shots.

But, yeah, no, my putter kind of went cold on the par putts coming in. They weren't necessarily too far par putts, but it's just something you got to kind of shake off and just feel like tomorrow is a new day.

Grinded today over some par putts, and, again, just trying to forget what happened yesterday because it can't help you anymore.

Q. You've seen the course a few times now, couple practice rounds, the pro-am, two rounds. How comfortable are you feeling here at Shaughnessy Golf Club?

MEGAN KHANG: Honestly, this golf course I feel like you can't really get too comfortable on. These fairways are tight and the greens are fast and firm, so I'm not taking anything for granted.

I'm just going out there just trying to deal with one shot at a time. And, you know, I'm obviously in the morning wave right now, and so Yuka clearly plays this golf course just as well.

So it's kind of, you know, anyone's game out there. I'm trying not to look at anyone else but just stay within myself.

Q. And last one: What do you take away from your two opening rounds as you head into the weekend?

MEGAN KHANG: That there are birdies out there. Coming in, doing the practice rounds, we were all like, whoa, didn't realize we were playing another major.

Definitely birdies are out there. Again, just try to stay patient. There will be times where if you happen to miss the fairway you're just going to have to punch out, and that's okay.

Just as long as you stay level headed out there I think it's okay. Bogeys are going to happen. Again, trying to limit those.

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