CPKC Women's Open

Friday, August 25, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Georgia Hall

Quick Quotes

Q. 4-under on the day today. 3-under overall. How you feeling after day two here at Shaughnessy?

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, really happy with the way I played. Still had quite a few chances that I didn't capitalize on, but playing really steady at the moment.

Holed some good putts. I already like this golf course. It reminds me of Portland a bit and obviously got fond memories of that. Just like the same setup.

Really enjoyed it out there.

Q. I was going to say, what's it like to be back in the Pacific Northwest where you do have the fond memories of being in this area?

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, and I just really love playing these golf courses. I think it's a lot of fun. I enjoy it more. I think it's just really pretty and, like the trees around, and I just have more of an enjoyable time out there.

I think it's really contributing to my golf and just, yeah, like I said looking forward weekend.

Q. This is a fun but challenging course out there. What have you seen from Shaughnessy that you think has suited your game over the past two days?

GEORGIA HALL: It's definitely a major course for sure. The greens are really quick and undulating. It's quite a long course which I think kind of suits me. I can reach three out of four of the par-5s. I would say I'm fairly strong on my long irons, so I think that's probably what suits me the best out here.

Q. Some birdies there coming in, especially on your last nine holes, which is usually the front nine. What was working so well as you geared back in action on the last nine holes?

GEORGIA HALL: Well, that nine holes is definitely the toughest nine that I shot 3-under on, so I was expecting it to be the other way round.

I basically reached a par-5, 7th, and that was kind of fairly ease tee putt, and then holed a really tricky downhill putt on 8.

Obviously 1 I could reach as well but got up and down from the bunker.

Yeah, just my short game is really keeping me in it, and hopefully be a bit warmer tomorrow and the ball goes a little bit further and a little bit shorter into the holes.

Q. We've seen this kind of progression over the last couple events. Coming off a T16 finish at ISPS under some pretty grueling conditions. How are you feeling about your game? How has that consistency been brought here to Vancouver?

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, I think consistency is key, especially for me. Just really trending in the right direction like I was at the start of the year as well.

You know, it's been like a busy schedule for me, probably the busiest I have had it. I really enjoy it and love being back out here to the west coast.

Q. What you do you take into moving day knowing you can take advantage of some new kind of conditions?

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, it would be nice to be in the final three, four, five groups. Yeah, definitely in contention. It's a great feeling and that's what I want to keep putting myself in.

A lot of golf to be played but definitely in the right spot for it.

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136159-1-1041 2023-08-26 01:32:00 GMT

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