CPKC Women's Open

Friday, August 25, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Hannah Green


Q. I am here with Hannah. Hannah, first off, 2-under the first day, 1-under today. What are your impressions of this golf course?

HANNAH GREEN: It's a tough course. Today was actually no wind which was kind of unusual and we got some rain which kind of came out of nowhere.

The greens are considerably slower today and I think everyone was kind of expecting them to be quick, so it was quite hard getting them to the hole.

It's a beast of a course. You pretty much hit every club in your bag, off the tee as well, into the green, so I really like that.

Q. You've proven to play tough courses really well. It's been a rollercoaster of a year. You had the high with the win, coming off a couple missed cuts from majors. What are you thinking about the rest of the year and what did you do last week to maybe think about righting the ship the rest of the year?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, it certainly has. Last year I had my most consistent season but was missing that win, and this year has not been exactly what I expected but that happens with elite golf.

I've been struggling more so on the greens this year so actually went back to putting left-hand low, which is what I did last year. Not too big of a change. Nothing too different. Just gives me a little bit more confidence on the greens which makes everything else in your game a little bit -- you can go for tougher pins perhaps.

So that's been the difference this week. But I really do enjoy being on this side of the country. Even next week in Portland, I really like that place there. It kind of gives us similar vibes.

After Portland I go back to Australia so that's probably why I'm so happy.

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136160-1-1041 2023-08-26 01:35:00 GMT

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