CPKC Women's Open

Friday, August 25, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Yuka Saso

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Yuka Saso. I know not exactly the same say as yesterday, but overall just explain some of the key differences for you between yesterday's round and today.

YUKA SASO: I think today's round is more like kind of first (indiscernible) from yesterday. Played steady and nothing big misses I guess.

Back nine like yesterday I think it only happens few times a year and I was happy I was able to do it, but wasn't really expecting to do it again today. Obviously it's not an easy thing to do.

Yeah, I think how my putt didn't go in today as much as yesterday. I think I still played okay and finished okay.

So, yeah, hopefully tomorrow goes in and score better.

Q. I want to talk about No. 13. Very close to an eagle there from the fairway. How much was that hole kind of a lifter-upper for you, and how much did that kind of kick back any momentum or just kind of steady the pace for the rest of the round?

YUKA SASO: I think it just kind of steadied the round. I had few birdie putts after that but I wasn't able to make it.

Yeah, I hit a really good shot there, tee shot and second shot. I was able to give myself a chance from 2-over to 1-over.

Yeah, I think it was a good hole.

Q. You still seem very calm, kind of comfortable even, knowing some of those putts didn't drop today. What did you say today to kick back up any confidence when maybe you're not seeing everything go the way that you want it to go?

YUKA SASO: I mean, obviously I always want my putts to go in and hit my shots in the fairway and hit it close as much as I can.

Obviously it's not going to happen all the time, so just trying to be patient and wait for the chance, and hopefully the result comes.

But, yeah, just trying not to hurry. There is more golf, much more golf to go. Yeah, just trying to have fun.

Playing alongside Allisen and Hannah, we're good friends, so, yeah.

Q. Hannah actually, I don't know if you saw her comment from yesterday saying, damn, it was a good round after watching your round. How much does playing with two people that are familiar to you ease any uncomfortability out there?

YUKA SASO: You know, I don't mind playing with any other players. Most of the players here on tour is very nice and I feel very comfortable with everyone.

Just that with Hannah I grew up playing with her back in Asia, and Allisen, I met her in U.S., so, yeah, just to have a little talk what happened like five, seven years ago -- it's actually almost ten now. That's very long. I'm getting old. (Laughter.)

But, yeah, it's just good to have a little talk like that. You don't really get to talk Monday to Wednesday because we have our own preparation and stuff. When we're playing together, spending four, five hours together, it's just good to catch up a little bit, and yeah, have some talks.

Q. You really kept yourself in a good position heading into moving day. Heading into the weekend in general, what do you do between now and tomorrow knowing there will be quite a bit of time for you to kill?

YUKA SASO: Sleep. (Laughter.) After the round I was telling Hannah and Allisen, I feel sleepy. Like this weather makes me sleepy. It's good weather though.

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136162-1-1041 2023-08-26 01:46:00 GMT

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