CPKC Women's Open

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Kim Sei Young

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here and Sei Young Kim. Sei Young, an eventful day for you in this third round. As you walk off the course how are you feeling after day three?

SEI YOUNG KIM: I feel great. Great because I had couple shots really good. Hole in one and hole 13 and 14 I made a -- I had eagle. That's a wonderful day today. Yeah, feels like, yeah, awesome.

Q. Take us through that hole in one. What were the decisions like for and you did you see it go in?

SEI YOUNG KIM: Right after hole 7 I made a birdie, so I feel like really exciting after birdie so I try to calm down. That hole kind of is not easy because to the pin is 160 meters. I took the 5-iron and hit the really solid, ball flight really awesome.

A lot of people like louder so it sounds like it's got in, so I was like, oh, my body is like goosebump. So, yeah, feel great, awesome.

Q. Then you had another eagle on the card. You went for it on that par-4. Take us through that hole.

SEI YOUNG KIM: Yeah, that hole especially we get advantage from the tee shot. It's just reachable from the tee shot to the green. 250 meter to the pin so I hit just driver. And, yeah, that shot was the same, same as hole 8, yeah.

Greens are really small and my ball is on the green. Yeah, I got the really fast putt and hit it and feels like, oh, it must be really long, too strong my putting, but it's got in. Kind of lucky. Good miss.

Q. A good miss?


Q. Wondering if there was something you figured out specifically this week? You haven't had the greatest season and here you are on a very tough golf course and you're playing so well. Something you fixed this week on the range or before you got here?

SEI YOUNG KIM: This year is not good so I just need something better play, and so I just working hard. After the British Open and back to the Dallas, so I am working hard.

Yeah, especially I played Canada, it's my favorite place always play good. Yeah, I had a good memories when I'm back here.

Q. The eagle, did you go for that green the previous two days or was this off the tee or today's strategy going for the green, was it your first time going for the green?

SEI YOUNG KIM: I didn't know that, so -- before the round I didn't know that the tee is way up there, so, yeah, I just followed my feeling.

Q. How long was the putt?

SEI YOUNG KIM: Five feet. Uh-huh, it's really downhill.

Q. This course is really hard for most of the field today, but obviously you had a lot have success. Why do you think you succeeded when everyone else has been struggling?

SEI YOUNG KIM: I think depend how I feel. Yeah, that's most important. Even if I play the easy course or difficult course, if I feel good to play easier than what I have feel.

Q. Did you feel like you had to be aggressive out there today?

SEI YOUNG KIM: Yeah, kind of. Yeah, I don't want to like too stay short, short. I try to go for it as I can do.

Q. Is that something today that clicked in your mind to be aggressive on a day like this?

SEI YOUNG KIM: Yeah, kind of every day, because I played -- when I played the pro-am with the member, he's very aggressive player, he recommend me this course go for it you got the advantage. Yeah, that help me a lot.

Q. What does it mean knowing you're back in contention?

SEI YOUNG KIM: I mean, just play. Just enjoying. Keep the play what I can do. Yeah, and then I just do my best what I can do. Yeah.

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