CPKC Women's Open

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Georgia Hall

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Georgia, a bogey-free day today. Just overall how are you feeling as you step away on the 18th green?

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, a bit of both really. I had a few chances on the back nine and just par'd all the back nine, which is a little bit frustrating because I hit it really, really well today. Hit it solid.

So I was hoping to have a couple more. Still in a decent position for tomorrow, and hopefully the putts will drop tomorrow.

Q. You said yesterday that this course in this area reminds you of your love for the Pacific Northwest. How much does that play in as the crowds get bigger and this community comes out in full support?

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, obviously playing with Nelly today we drew only really big crowds. It was like -- feel like playing in a major, and it's really good just to get those kind of emotions going and be a bit more pressure here or there which is really good for my game.

I played really solid today. You know, I'm sad that tomorrow is going to be the last round here.

Q. You're running out of golf.


Q. Couple birdies on the front nine. What was working well on those holes? Walk me through it.

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, holed two decent putts. On the par-3 third, that's a really tough holed, managed to get a birdie there.

Then the par-5 had to layup because I hit it in the rough and managed to hit a great pitch six foot and holed that.

Really only missed one green today and obviously bogey-free so it was quite a stress-free round.

Q. You talked about seeing your game trend in the right direction, similar to the way the beginning of the year was. What does it mean to still see it all come together even when it's just nine straight pars?

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, I'm playing really well, and obviously I had really, really strong start to the season. I think really want to get that win but unfortunately two seconds.

Then being in contention four or five times throughout the last six months was really key and crucial for me.

Yeah, to be back in contention again, that's just the goal every week. Hopefully get that win one week, but as long as I'm playing good golf I'm still really happy with that to be honest.

Q. Is that the continuous mindset for tomorrow? What's the game plan as you head into the final day?

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, always. Just hit good shot after good shot and try and make it as stress-free as possible. You know, try and hole some good putts, bit of luck going my way, and you never know.

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