CPKC Women's Open

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Yuka Saso

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Yuka Saso. Still in it after a grind of a day. Overall how are you feeling coming off the 18th?

YUKA SASO: Just not the second shot that I was looking for. It was tough shot though.

Yeah, I think overall I still played okay.

Wanted to, you know -- I hoped that my putter gets better today but it's just one of those days. Yeah, I think I grinded it out well.

Yeah, enjoy playing with Jin Young.

Q. How do you refocus yourself when the putts you're wanting to drop aren't dropping? Is there something you say to yourself, something your caddie says to you to refocus the mind?

YUKA SASO: No, nothing really. Just trying to think why I missed it. Probably most of it was more like line, the line I was reading was pretty much opposite.

But it happens. But, yeah, nothing really, just trying to focus on the next shot.

Q. Still a challenging course out here for everyone out here. What will it take for you to climb up that leaderboard?

YUKA SASO: Just hit good shots and hopefully it goes in. Just have fun.

Q. Now it's a little late. A lot of players would go and maybe hit some balls on the range or putt for a little bit. Are you one to do that right now even thought it is a little late, or will you just go home, reset, go to bed?

YUKA SASO: Actually I want to do both. Sadly I can't do both. I'm still thinking probably go hit some balls and go straight back home and rest.

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