CPKC Women's Open

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Alena Sharp

Quick Quotes

ALENA SHARP: Yeah, I putted much better today. Drove it much better. Yeah, got lucky a couple times and then not so lucky couple times.

So that's the golf course for you. Very happy to come back and shoot an under-par round to finish the week.

Q. Overall are you satisfied?

ALENA SHARP: Yeah, I think I learned a little bit more. I think I thought too much about results. I did that ShopRite too, but when I play on the Epson Tour I don't think about that.

Just still got to keep learning as a veteran, and today I went out and just wanted to have fun. Yesterday I walked off and I know I didn't have a lot of fun. I let the golf course get to me. I was really frustrated.

I just came in with an open mind and was putting last night, and Lorie Kane came over and we were chatting. She was watching me putt and she gave me one little tip which really helped. I wasn't pressing my hand enough, and today I made a lot of putts.

Just having that grip a little forward and putts started to go in, so that was nice. Then I got more confidence as I went. Made a lot of good par saves.

Q. As you leave here now, going to go back on the Epson Tour, what do you take with you from this experience?

ALENA SHARP: I know I still have it to play out here. You know, sloppy two rounds, but two really good rounds on a really tough golf course. Looking forward to a week off and then five weeks in a row to hopefully get my hard.

Yeah, I'm really leaving on a high note, compared to yesterday.

Q. What does a week like this do for your season as a whole as far as confidence and looking forward?

ALENA SHARP: This is the hardest golf course I played all year. Nice to have two rounds in the 60s for sure and just know that I'm right there.

So I want to get back out here and be able to play the schedule I want to play next year, and that's the whole goal playing Epson. Go out there, continue to be doing what I've been doing, and leaving here on a huge high note.

Q. Do you think the course was setup unfair in any way?

ALENA SHARP: Honestly I think 17 today should have been moved up. Should have been a pitching wedge. It's still like 150 and you can't land it on the green; it goes over. If you're short it's a really tough up and down.

I thought maybe that hole should have been shorter. We played it like that all week so I think everybody is used to it by now. You just got to miss it in the right spot and play for a chip almost, yeah.

Q. Getting back to the tip that Lorie gave you, what do you think it says about golf that somebody can come over and give you the smallest little tip and it works so well for you once you put it into action?

ALENA SHARP: Yeah, tips are great if you believe in them, right? I know what she was saying. Yeah, I see that on a video. I see sometime my handle gets back. So it was something that spoke my language. Sometimes tips don't but that one did.

Yeah, one little thing can change how you feel about something. I made a couple putts and then I wasn't thinking about my stroke, I was just trying to get the line. Yeah, huge difference.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
136203-1-1041 2023-08-27 21:54:00 GMT

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