CPKC Women's Open

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Andrea Lee


Q. Great playing today. You knew going into today you need to be top 13, correct?


Q. So...

ANDREA LEE: I saw Grant's tweet last night, so thanks, Grant.

Q. Going into today what was the mindset? How were you going to approach this round?

ANDREA LEE: Just the same way I have the first three days. I've been playing really solid golf, and this course requires hitting fairways and hitting greens and trying to Mick as many birdies once possible, so I just tried to stay really patient out there and put a solid round together today.

So I'm really satisfied with the way I played.

Q. I think you're at T11 right now. What does that mean for the rest of the day? Are you going to watch? What are you going to do the rest of the day?

ANDREA LEE: I have no idea. I actually have a flight that's headed out at like 8:30 tonight, so I guess I have to stick around and see what happens.

But, if I don't, then I guess that's a good thing either way because I played pretty solid this week. Just going to see.

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