CPKC Women's Open

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Lauren Coughlin

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Lauren Coughlin; 5-under on the day. When you stepped onto the course today, did you expect a round like this or what was the mindset as you headed into today?

LAUREN COUGHLIN: Yeah, I think I played pretty solid yesterday; just wasn't able to hit it close. Played really well all week. My putter has felt really good which is kind of a big key for me.

Yeah, just started off hot finally hitting -- birdieing the first. Hadn't birdied a par-5 all week, so that was a big one.

Then I ended up birdieing all four and that was the big difference.

Q. We've asked players, and you can't really get comfortable on this course. Do you share that assessment, and how tricky is that when you go round to round not fooling totally comfortable each round?

LAUREN COUGHLIN: I think that's what I did a really good job of. I was like Monday, Tuesday getting super frustrated. Ball striking is my -- especially my irons is like my big strength and I was like really thinking that I wasn't hitting it very good just because of how small and firm these greens were and you can't really bounce them up.

I think after Tuesday I just was kind of a little bit more accepting of like, hey, I'm not going to hit 14 greens like I normally do. That doesn't mean I'm not hitting it good. I think I did just a really, really good job staying super patient and accepting like, man, if I just got a bad bounce I got a bad bounce. It is what it is, and go hit the next shot.

Q. How would you assess your tournament here at Shaughnessy Golf Club?

LAUREN COUGHLIN: Yeah, I think the course suited me pretty well. I'm pretty accurate off the tee and you really have to control your distances, and that was a big thing just with how firm and how big of bounces you could get out here.

I even kind of like intentionally missed some greens, especially just because I knew if I hit more club I might not hold it and that would be a worse spot.

The golf course is great. It felt like a major to be honest out there. Yeah, it was awesome. My first time in Vancouver, so big success.

Q. Absolutely. Last one from me: What can a round or a tournament like this kind of do for you momentum-wise or confidence-wise as we head into the back half of the season?

LAUREN COUGHLIN: Yeah, I think it's huge. It's only my second top 10 I've ever had, and I think hopefully my first Top 5. We'll see how everything shakes out.

So I think it's huge. I think it shows that I'm working on a lot of really good things and just kind of keep it going.

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