CPKC Women's Open

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Ruoning Yin

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Ronni Yin. Ronni, 6-under on the day. Just take us through your final round here at Shaughnessy.

RUONING YIN: After yesterday I just talked to my coach. Like I feel like sometimes my swing tempo is a bit too fast, and today just right before the round he text me, like, have a good day. Just be the tempo queen. I was like, okay.

So today I just focus on my tempo and didn't think about anything else, so pretty good.

Q. I heard someone ask this in a different press conference, but isn't golf crazy, how just one little tweak like that can turn into a round like this? Just talk about that a little bit.

RUONING YIN: Yeah, I mean, I think just before Thursday I just felt like my game was pretty good. Once I'm in the tournament just everything seems a little bit faster, so just, I mean, yeah, golf -- you just need one click and you can find your rhythm and find your tempo.

I hit 11 fairways today, which is double from yesterday; 13 greens; bogey-free. You never can complain with bogey-free round.

Q. Absolutely. We heard a couple players say this course is playing like a major championship course. Do you feel that? Do you feel similarly?

RUONING YIN: Not really. I do feel like the green is get is firmer for last two days, but I think this course is a little bit shorter than major course.

Q. Last one from me: Other than maybe being the tempo queen from here on out, what will you take from your experience here at the CPKC Women's Open?

RUONING YIN: I mean, the fans here are just amazing. They're all rooting for me, which is amazing, and give me a lot of support.

I just felt like back home here.

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