CPKC Women's Open

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Earl Grey Golf Club

Savannah Grewal

Quick Quotes

Q. Savannah, this is your first CPKC Women's Open as a professional. Feel any different out there?

SAVANNAH GREWAL: Honestly, just felt special. It's always an honor to be able to play in your home country. I mean, we don't get to play tournaments at home very often, so to be able to play at home, even though it's a four-hour flight from home, is really special and amazing.

Q. Under-par start today. How would you assess your round?

SAVANNAH GREWAL: I think it was just very steady, very consistent golf. Just a lot of fairways, a lot of greens, two-putt, par, kind of walked off the green happy, especially with how windy it was.

Q. Were you satisfied being under par? You're only three shots back of the lead through the first round.

SAVANNAH GREWAL: Yeah, I think going into today's round I saw the forecast and saw it was going to be pretty windy, so wanted to take it one shot at a time and do my best to hit as many greens and fairways as possible.

Q. What did you think of the Earl Grey Golf Club as a challenge this week?

SAVANNAH GREWAL: Oh, it's beautiful. I love this golf course. The rough is definitely getting thick, which I like. Definitely makes you keep it in the fairway, otherwise it can be punishing to be in the rough. It's a great test and I'm excited for the next few days.

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146834-1-1041 2024-07-26 02:15:00 GMT

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