Mizuho Americas Open

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Rose Zhang


Q. Just completing your first round as a pro, round of 70. What was the anticipation like leading up to this round and then what was the reality was like playing as a pro for the first time?

ROSE ZHANG: It was amazing. It felt pretty regular throughout out round once I got into the zone. Jason was by my side. He gave me great yardages and we just had a great time.

But the anticipation was for sure there. I feel like there has been a lot of things happening the last couple days and last couple weeks, so for me to come out here and just try to stay composed, I feel like I did a pretty good job at it. Tried my best out there.

Q. You just told me a couple minutes ago I think you weren't sure if you might just shoot at 80. That's totally realistic with all the pressure and the eyeballs that were on you. But I have to think that you just got settled, got into your place inside the ropes.

ROSE ZHANG: Yeah, for sure. Once I kind of played a couple holes I realized that, hey, this is just another round of golf. I'm trying to go out there and shoot the best number I can. Playing against the best in the world it's inevitable that you're going to see amazing shots, but certain people that I look up to, I admire, I was also playing with Alison, I watched them on TV since I was little, so to be out there was just a great experience.

Q. How about the brilliant chip-in birdie at 13 and then finishing with birdie at 18 with a couple missed putts in between. Nice flavor to the back nine.

ROSE ZHANG: Definitely a lot of flavor there. I probably hit it into one of the smallest bunkers possible, especially on that par-5. But that chip-in was just amazing. Gave me a little bit of adrenaline going into the next couple holes, and found out I had a couple putter yips.

But, you know, I made it back. Had 17 and 18 as really solid putts and kind of got my groove back.

Q. Now that you have this first round under your belt, so you feel a since of relief that it's done and over, or are you still kind of on edge for the week in total?

ROSE ZHANG: I think that's just the beauty of golf. You're always going to be on edge. I'm a competitor, so I've got tomorrow, potentially, if I play well, (wind). I think it's very good.

But this field is very hard. It's not a field that I've competed in on the regular, so I'm still trying to play the best I can.

Knowing that there is a lot of great scores out there, I'm still trying to do the best that I can do.

Q. I watched you play as a junior, collegiate, and amateur player, it was a privilege to be out there walking the fairways with you on your pro debut. Congrats on a really nice day of 70.

ROSE ZHANG: Thank you.

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