Mizuho Americas Open

Friday, June 2, 2023

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Atthaya Thitikul

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I am here with Atthaya. Great round today. Great par save on the last. Can you just talk us through coming in on the 18th hole with the wind behind you.

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Yeah, I mean, obviously the last hole, it's -- I think it's pretty tough hole. I mean, like where the ball is landing for the first shot, it's between the bunker both side, left or right.

So it's pretty windy out there today. I mean, like for the last hole it's like right-to-left wind. I just not hit it that well and then the wind just pick it up and just end up on the left bunker.

If you end up in the bunker, no matter, you know, left or right, you couldn't go for the green either.

So, yeah, just, I mean, aim for bogey, you know. It's good enough for that position.

But had a good wedge shot there and just make the putt.

Q. And then can you talk about starting on 1 today versus 10 yesterday, the difference at this course?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: I think the pin position today is pretty tough, especially on the back nine. I think I hit it pretty well today overall. Just one missing hole that I just not hit it well on. It's went into the water and then just had a really, you know, tough up and down.

So, yeah, but overall it's nice. The course is still challenging with the wind.

Q. And with the wind, all the different slopes that are on this course, how have you been finding yourself navigating that and how did the different angles influence your shot selection?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: I mean, when the wind, it's picking up like so much, what I have to do, it's just like commitment and then just find the position that you going to be okay on the greens or just a position that give you a good chance for a birdie.

Because like sometime you don't have to go for the pin. It's so many sloping out there to help the ball to get to the pin, not just like aim for the pin. Yeah.

Q. When reading the greens, is navigating through the different speeds that you'll be facing a different struggle compared to other courses you played around this area?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Not really. I mean, like I think because me, for the speed, I mean, like I'm still adjusting for the speed as well. Because like I just came from Dallas, so the courses I practice is not that fast as here, so still adjusting about that.

But I think overall here, I mean, I play here and last two weeks I played in Upper Montclair. I think it's pretty much the same. I think here it's a little bit slower than that course, but overall it's nice.

Q. In the first round it seemed all the low scores came from the morning. Did you notice a visible difference in playing in the morning and the afternoon? Are the conditions easier?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Yeah, obviously, yes, actually play in the morning, it's -- I think you can take more advantage from that because like not much wind when you're going to start.

But like in the afternoon it's obviously going to be the wind all along day. And then I think, yeah, play in the morning get it a little bit easier.

But for today, especially because the pin is hard, even no wind it's still, you know, like you couldn't go for the pin anyway.

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