Mizuho Americas Open

Friday, June 2, 2023

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Minjee Lee

Quick Quotes

Q. Okay, I'm here with Minjee Lee, 8-under today. Incredible round. Talk us through maintaining that momentum today.

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I mean, I didn't really feel like my score reflected sort of how I played yesterday, so I really just came in with a positive attitude. I knew there was probably going to be less wind this morning, so just tried to take advantage of the good conditions that were given to me.

Q. Absolutely. Can you talk about those conditions compared to yesterday, the differences that you saw playing in the afternoon versus morning?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, it was quite windy. Probably not as windy as the practice days, but it was still quite gusty. I know it's just picking up now, so, yeah, I think it will be similar to yesterday this afternoon.

Q. Considering that this is an inaugural event and the first time the LPGA has been at Liberty National, what have you been finding that you take from the course each time that you play it so you can attack it a little bit better each round?

MINJEE LEE: I think Liberty National is kind of a course where if you play it more, the better idea you have. So since it's the inaugural event it's the same for everybody. I think day by day -- you learn new things about the course every day, so, yeah, I just think a little bit of the contour of the greens. I'm getting a little bit better idea where they are and how to utilize them.

Q. How did you find the pin placements today? Did you find yourself putting your approach shots more middle of the green or were you able to attack some of them?

MINJEE LEE: I think there was a mixture of everything. Just coming in, the back nine it got a little bit windier so I wasn't as aggressive, but the front nine I think I was able to go at the pins a bit more just because there was not too much wind.

But I think it might be different tomorrow as well.

Q. What's the biggest takeaway that you can attack into tomorrow's round knowing that there is still an afternoon group that's just basically teeing off?

MINJEE LEE: I think just stick to what I can control. Obviously trying to be 100% committed in every shot that I hit and, you know, just staying patient. I know it's going to get windy probably, so, yeah, I think just assessing the shot as it is, as it comes.

Q. On the front nine I think you had a 30. Were you just putting right on top the hole or...

MINJEE LEE: No, I wasn't. I holed some really great putts today. A couple -- a few long ones and a few mid-range. I don't think I had like any tap-in, so they were all really great putts.

Q. You kind of mentioned yesterday you thought you played better than your score indicated.

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I felt like it. But, yeah, it's my opinion.

Q. Was this a New Zealand-Australia showdown?

MINJEE LEE: What's that? No, I mean, it's only been two rounds so far, so we don't know how the -- someone could shoot really low in the afternoon, too.

We are just going to have to wait and see.

Q. You thought that, what do you call it, with the wind picking up your score should put you pretty high on the leaderboard?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, but Lyds had 3- or 4-under yesterday afternoon and it was windy as well. You never know. Someone could really have a low score, too.

Q. That's the lowest score so far in Mizuho Americas Open history. What kind of confidence does that bring you into the weekend?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I mean, I feel like I've been probably not striking it as good, but I've been putting a little bit better and I holed a lot of great putts today.

So I think a lot of confidence going into tomorrow. I'm just going to obviously stick to my game plan and, you know, go one shot at a time.

So that's always my motto, yeah.

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