Mizuho Americas Open

Friday, June 2, 2023

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Lydia Ko

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I am here with Lydia Ko. Great round today. You had a bogey on the third and then turned it around for the rest of the day. Can you talk us through that?

LYDIA KO: Yeah, it was kind of like a three-shot difference on that hole compared to yesterday. I made a hole-out eagle, and then -- obviously was a little tougher pin position, but I just miss-clubbed myself and I was in a position where it was not the place to leave it.

But from there, I think I played really consistently. Played consistently yesterday, and for most parts I don't think there was anything that bad going on.

So I was able to make some good saves, and obviously nice to finish off with a good up and down on the last.

Q. What have you noticed in the changes throughout the conditions just throughout your round today? You stayed even par throughout the back but still solid considering how much trouble there can be if you hit it in the wrong spots.

LYDIA KO: Yeah, playing in the morning obviously when we first tee'd off there was no wind. The flags were like barely moving. As the day progressed the wind started picking up.

Yesterday it was -- it only was meant to be eight mile an hour but I think it gusted up a lot stronger. I think with this place there is no real trees or anything to block the wind when it starts coming in, so I think the wind does play a factor the later on as the day goes on.

But I think I was able to play it well. It was similar wind direction to yesterday by our back nine, so it was a good reference from yesterday to today, too.

Q. Depending on how the afternoon pans out today, you could still have a tee time pretty late in the afternoon tomorrow. How will you go about that knowing how the wind has treated this course the past two rounds for you?

LYDIA KO: Yeah, you just play with what you get. You know, obviously playing late is always a good thing. Yes, playing in the morning might be a little calmer, but you just have to play with the tee time that you get.

I would rather tougher late tee types than easier 7:00 tee times, yeah.

Q. When Minjee comes out of the blocks flying like that, do you sit there and go, I better really pick up my game, or does that inspire to you play any more?

LYDIA KO: I think we're all just focusing on our own games. She obviously gave herself good opportunities. At the same time, she putted really well. None of them were really tap-ins for birdies. I think her ball striking was solid; putting was solid.

I'm just trying to focus on my game. There is still so much golf to be played and half the afternoon field has just tee'd off or still have yet to tee off.

I think sometimes you get caught up about what the other person is doing. You just got to do a good job of you and see where that puts you at the end of the day.

Q. How do you feel about your game coming into this week?

LYDIA KO: I haven't -- to be honest, haven't been playing that great leading up to this week. I played much better and solid on the LET event a couple weeks ago, so that was a good momentum shift.

But, yeah, you know, I would say it has been a very colorful scorecard, not in a good way, not the birdie colors.

Yeah, I think it's kind of given me time to work with my team and reset. I think we're moving in the right direction. It's not perfect, but I feel a lot more comfortable and confident now than maybe a couple weeks ago.

So I'm just taking it day by day and trust my team, and I think that's the biggest key thought for me out there.

Q. Has this been a problem?

LYDIA KO: No. I've taped this for years.

Q. I saw you stop for a few autographs and pictures before you came in. What's it been like to see such a young presence here at the inaugural Mizuho Americas Open?

LYDIA KO: Yeah, it's always nice to see juniors here. Obviously this is a little different with the AJGA girls out here. So I think the whole atmosphere and the buildup that Mizuho and Excel have done have been great.

Hopefully with our location and hopefully nice weather we have a lot of people coming out and watching us over the weekend. The more the merrier when it comes to the spectators.

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