Mizuho Americas Open

Friday, June 2, 2023

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Cheyenne Knight

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Cheyenne Knight after her second round at the Mizuho Americas Open. Really good round for you today. What were some of the highlights out there?

CHEYENNE KNIGHT: I think the last two days I've just been making a lot of birdies. Yesterday was kind of up and down.

But kind of the highlight for me, I kind of struggled a little bit there on the end of my front nine. I started off my back nine with three birdies in a row, so that really got things going and kind of kept the momentum up for me.

Q. Really just consistent play for you all around. I know I talked to you several times in the past couple weeks, so what's the best part of your game right now that's really just helped you in each tournament?

CHEYENNE KNIGHT: Yeah, I think my ball striking has really come a long way. I've been hitting a lot of fairways and greens, and hence I have more birdie opportunities.

Yeah, I think that's kind of been the key for me, is just not making a lot of the mistakes tee to green.

When I do, I can usually save par, get up and down, so I think just overall managing my game well.

Q. Would you say your course management has been good recently? I know you played a lot of different types of courses in the past couple weeks.

CHEYENNE KNIGHT: Yeah, I think me and my caddie have just been making good decisions all around, and knowing pins that we can attack and others that we just go more middle of the green.

And, yeah, just kind of we're not really changing a whole lot. Like good start and finish lines and just making sure like my process is good every week.

Yeah, last week was a lot different than this week, but just kind of making sure I'm doing the things I need to every day to play well.

Q. On that same note, at a course that's brand new and a new event, how do you kind of approach that course when you're trying to prepare for a tournament?

CHEYENNE KNIGHT: Yeah, this is different. Haven't played here before, and compared to other courses that we play -- when you've played there throughout the years you kind of know what to expect.

I think it's just like a lot more practice in the practice rounds, on the greens, and just making sure you have good lines off the tee. I think it's just a little bit more homework around the greens and knowing how they break, seeing the course at different parts of the day and just knowing if it gets firm or fast.

So I played a practice round late in the day and one in the morning just to see how was it different.

Q. And how do you think you have adapted through the past two days?

CHEYENNE KNIGHT: Yeah, it was weird. Like both of my rounds were up and down. Usually I feel like they're not that up and down. Felt like I was on a rollercoaster yesterday.

But I think just kind of learning from each round and being honest with myself and just keep putting myself in these positions and just kind of go from there.

Q. Just thinking about today's round, what was your biggest takeaway that you will take to tomorrow?

CHEYENNE KNIGHT: Yeah, I think I rebounded really well. I was kind of struggling kind of end of my front nine and I pulled myself together a little bit.

Kind of had to, I don't know, kind of just, I don't know, stronger mentally and just kind of like kind of -- I don't really ask more of myself and not get too down on myself.

So I think just how I rebounded and kind of how I didn't let my emotions get the best of me today is something I'll take going forward.

Q. Former AJGA player yourself. Tomorrow you'll be paired with one the AJGA juniors this week. How excited are you for that? What are you looking forward to about it?

CHEYENNE KNIGHT: Yeah, it's really cool. Yeah, I grew up playing on the AJGA, and I never went to an LPGA event until I was, gosh, maybe a senior in high school or like beginning of college when I actually got to play in one my freshman year.

So I think it's a really cool experience for them. I'm excited to play with them. You know, just kind of hope they feel comfortable playing with us, and I hope they can take a lot from it and just know that, you know, we were all once in their shoes a few years ago.

Just for them to just soak it in and just have fun with it. I mean, we've all been playing golf a long time, and I've been playing golf for almost like 15 years, which is like crazy to think about.

But them to just like, I don't know, just enjoy the experience and just enjoy junior golf, college golf, amateur golf. The Tour is always going to be here, so I think they just need to love it and enjoy it above anything else.

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