Mizuho Americas Open

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Anna Davis

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Anna Davis after her third round here at the Mizuho Americas Open. You've done a lot as an amateur, but how does this sort of experience, playing an AJGA event alongside LPGA pros, stack up to some of your other achievements as an amateur?

ANNA DAVIS: It's definitely been a fun event so far. Getting to play with the pros was super fun. I played in a few tour events last summer, so being in this environment again is very fun.

It's a great experience for me and for the other girls as well to be able to measure our games against their games and see what we can work on and things like that.

They picked a great venue for it, too.

Q. Speaking of which, Liberty National, certainly an iconic course. What was your excitement coming to this course this week?

ANNA DAVIS: I think just being like so close to the city, like not being able to just focus on golf all week. To do fun things with your friends in the city as well, it's something nice to have, so...

Q. As one of the players, AJGA players in the field who has played on a couple Tour events before, any of your AJGA friends asking you advice? Were you talking to them about what to expect this week?

ANNA DAVIS: Not really, no. None of my friends really come to me for advice, so I'm not really that person.

No, they don't really ask me questions or anything.

Q. Playing alongside Emma and Marina, who's a New Jersey native. Anything you guys talked about on the course, any advice they gave?

ANNA DAVIS: Me and Emma talked about college because I'm going to Auburn and she went to Alabama. Already had a rivalry at the start of the day.

But yeah, they're very nice girls. Definitely one of the better groups I've had on Tour. It was very fun.

Q. Last question from me: You said it's fun to see how your game measures up. How would you say your game measures up? What sort of things were you seeing that you thought, oh, I can do?

ANNA DAVIS: Yeah, I think just even in general, amateurs versus pros, they make a lot fewer mistakes than we do. Just like kind of stupid things that -- I hit like a shot today from the left rough and I hit it to a bunker; whereas it's kind of like a par hole at that point. You want to hit it on the green, not just hit it in the bunker.

So things like that sort of. I think also like the mental side of it, having more confidence over the ball and once you get over a shot, like fully trust it.

Just kind of smaller things like that. Nothing really huge.

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