Mizuho Americas Open

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Yana Wilson

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Yana Wilson after her third round at the Mizuho Americas Open. Another round under your belt. What do you feel like you have really just learned about the golf course and are ready to do tomorrow in the final round?

YANA WILSON: I definitely learned that golf course isn't the easiest. You definitely have to work out here for your birdies and all your opportunities.

I don't know, I'm just excited to play tomorrow. Hopefully won't be as windy as it was today but I'm excited.

Q. It's chilly, windy; how do you adjust to those types of conditions?

YANA WILSON: I would just say keep my hands warm as much as possible. I started to lose feel kind of on the back nine. I'm from Vegas so it's pretty hot over there. I'm not really used to these conditions.

I think just keeping my mindset strong the whole time is probably the most important thing.

Q. Getting to play alongside two LPGA pros, and I know you're a big fan of Minjee.


Q. What was that experience like for you? Take us through it.

YANA WILSON: It was super cool. Not going to lie, I was kind of nervous on the first hole because it's not every day you get to play with your favorite pro.

It was definitely a really cool experience for me and one I'll never forget.

Q. Did you tell Minjee she was your favorite pro? I know she gets into game mode.

YANA WILSON: Yeah, no, I didn't tell her, but I did post on my Insta story earlier that she was going to be in my group, so that was pretty cool.

But, yeah, she was pretty focused so I didn't really want to bother her.

Q. Did you get any advice or chat with Minjee or Cheyenne throughout the round?

YANA WILSON: Yeah, I talked to Cheyenne just a little bit about her story and how she went to college and all, but, no, we didn't really talk much actually.

Q. Yeah. It is interesting being in contention as an LPGA pro. What did you learn from them, even if you didn't talk to them throughout the day, about being an LPGA pro in contention on Tour?

YANA WILSON: Yeah, honestly, it was just really cool to watch them just kind of try to make pars the whole way. It's not the easiest conditions, but I saw them go up and down a lot, especially not in the easiest times.

Like whenever -- they would be in trouble and maybe just layup on a par-4 and just chip and putt in, and I thought that was pretty cool because me being kind of a junior golfer and seeing a lot of my other competitors, like we all try to go for it out of, you know, the fescue and stuff.

So it was just cool to see them play conservative and smart and just try to make par.

Q. And then obviously in the lead tomorrow. An AJGA title on the line. What are you focused on going into tomorrow?

YANA WILSON: I just want to be as focused as possible, not really have my emotions sway too much during my round, and just keep my head steady.

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