Mizuho Americas Open

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Rose Zhang


Q. Rose, what an absolutely tremendous performance. Just two weeks ago you were winning the NCAA championships. In your wildest dreams did you imagine you would being standing here an LPGA champion?

ROSE ZHANG: No. What is happening? I just can't believe it.

It was just last week when I won NCAAs with my teammates, and to turn pro and come out here, it's just been amazing.

I've enjoyed the journey. Gilly was on my bag the whole time. I had so many cheers around me. All my friends and family. Just so thankful.

Q. It was quite a battle out there today. How were you able to remain so composed and get the job done?

ROSE ZHANG: Yeah, the golf course is rough. I really got a bit of everything. Got a taste of pressure, got a taste of the wind, and I tried to stay composed as always.

I knew that golf was just a grind and you really had to dig deep. Once again, that's what I did. I'm glad I'm here.

Q. What about this reception, all the young fans bringing you fabulous bouquets of roses. So fitting. You're now a role model. How does that make you feel?

ROSE ZHANG: It's incredible. I want to continue doing that. I want to continue trying to carve a path for young kids to just follow your dreams. I'm so thankful that the young kids enjoy me, enjoy my golf, and I'm just so thankful for the support.

So I will continue to do what I'm doing. I'll continue to fight. I'll continue to work hard. Hopefully everyone can follow along.

Q. You're a very worthy champion. Many, many congratulations from all of us.

ROSE ZHANG: Thank you.

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