Mizuho Americas Open

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Yana Wilson

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I am here with Yana Wilson. Yana, great playing today. Congrats on the win. Talk us through the week.

YANA WILSON: Yeah, no, it was super cool. I got to play with juniors the first two days and that was a lot of fun because I got to play with two of my good friends, Jaclyn LaHa and Katie Li, who also played really good.

Then we got to play in the second and third round with the pros, so I thought that was pretty Q-School. Then third round you got to play with my favorite golfer, Minjee Lee, so it was a treat to really just play with her and learn from her.

Q. What was it like heading into the last day?

YANA WILSON: I really had no expectations because I didn't really play too well the third day. But yeah, no, I would say it was just relaxing. I just went with the flow today and just didn't really put too much pressure on myself to win or anything.

So it worked out well.

Q. And then you came out of scoring, I said congrats, and you did not know you had won yet.


Q. What were you thinking about coming into the last few holes? Are you thinking about score at all?

YANA WILSON: I was just focused on making pars and maybe an occasional birdie if I could, if I had the opportunity. I got lucky with a lot of my putts today that dropped. I made like three 30-footers for par, which is kind of not normal for me.

Yeah, I wasn't really thinking score too much coming down the stretch. Just trying to minimize the mistakes and, yeah, that's pretty much it.

I honestly thought I was beat on 17, though.

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