Mizuho Americas Open

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Hae Ran Ryu

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I am here with Hae Ran Ryu. Can you walk us through your round and some of your best shots of the day?

HAE RAN RYU: It was a pretty windy day today so I don't remember much, but I do remember the last hole.

The last hole I hit pretty well the driver, so I'm happy about the last one.

Q. Great. And yesterday you shot 6-under, 66. What kind of confidence did that give you to bring into today?

HAE RAN RYU: It was windy as well yesterday, so I do believe it's luck, mostly luck. But the one with the eagle, I thought it was in the rough but it was in the fairway, so I felt lucky, and that led to an eagle.

Q. And then one last question: You just got done signing a good bit of autographs. What does it mean to have all these fans come watch you and inspire young kids?

HAE RAN RYU: Compared to other tournaments this tournament had a lot of kids involved. Signing to the kids and showing fans love, hopefully they will grow up to become a player as well and enjoy the game. That's it.

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