Mizuho Americas Open

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Xiyu Lin

Quick Quotes

Q. How did it play today in wet conditions?

XIYU LIN: First time playing in the tournament, so only the second 18 hole I play on this course. I think when I was playing practice round I really think this course is fairly challenging, and especially today it's quite windy. Lots of side winds.

So I'm happy with my score overall. Missed some short putts, but I think I commit to the shot really well and hit some really, really good shots.

Q. How much is that water affecting the golf course right now?

XIYU LIN: It's better than I expected to be honest with you. Some of the fairways are still pretty bouncy. That's why the first couple holes I was having a slow start, is because I was like not so sure about the bounce.

And then there are a couple driver when it's side wind or downwind, actually bounce a long way and go into fairway bunker. But then I think Dave I and quickly adjusted so the back nine we were playing much smarter.

Q. It's challenging out there. I know this golf course is not super easy on the greens in particular. Anything you've seen with the lines on your putts today that's really helped?

XIYU LIN: I think that's the only good thing the water do to the green. The green are a lot softer, which I can see how tough it's going to get if it's any firmer.

So I think we got a little bit of help with the rain. But then I think the greens rolling really, really well. Yeah, with the wind, because the ball will finish a little further from the hole and it will be hanging on some crazier lie.

I have some putt that breaks about, I don't know, five yards, so -- but I think like it's just a fun play. Like just challenge your imagination and also your patient a lot.

Q. Looking ahead, 54 more holes. What will you take from today and use as you go into the next three?

XIYU LIN: I think today I plan my shot really well. I try to get as much information as I can for the course and I execute really well.

I think for this golf course I still kind of at a learning experience, and I think -- but I think if I play just smarter, there is still lots of chances. I think today is a good start. Hopefully I build up from today's round and just get better next couple rounds.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
144168-1-1041 2024-05-16 17:14:00 GMT

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