Mizuho Americas Open

Friday, May 17, 2024

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Minji Kang

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Minji Kang after her 7-under round today. You had a great round today, the lowest so far in this tournament this year. Just talk about what went well.

MINJI KANG: I think it was solid round today. I had tough -- like tough time during last five, six events. Could not make the cut.

I was trying to just go for it today. I don't want to regret after this round. Even though I don't make the cut I just want to play aggressive. Yeah, I think that was pretty good today.

Q. And what do you like about this golf course that maybe helped you see some putts, make some of those shots out there compared to maybe some of the last few events?

MINJI KANG: Like we play New Jersey last week, but the big difference is I think the rough. They don't have the thick like rough here, but instead of rough they have water. I pretty much like the shape of the course, and the green, it's okay. Like it has less slope than the last couple events.

Q. And what do you think this does for your confidence?

MINJI KANG: Like to be honest, until yesterday I couldn't feel good with my like driver shot, and have a little pain, like back pain.

But then I had good feeling after the round yesterday so I was trying to just play my game.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
144238-1-1041 2024-05-17 22:41:00 GMT

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