Mizuho Americas Open

Friday, May 17, 2024

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Anna Huang

Quick Quotes

Q. I'm her with Anna after her second round at the Mizuho Americas Open. Great solid round today. I believe you're tied two right now. Just talk a little bit about how you felt like I played out there today?

ANNA HUANG: I was a little bit nervous going into the round, the first tee nerves and everything. But once I got to holes 5 and 6 I kind of calmed down a little bit and just, you know, let myself kind of relax.

I just took it one shot at a time out there.

Q. And you've played now twice, two days in a row. Just talk about what you think about the course, Liberty National, and how you think maybe it suits your game a little bit.

ANNA HUANG: Yeah, the course is really nice. It's in really good shape. The greens are rolling really smoothly. They're not super fast, which is really good. And it wasn't really windy today in the afternoon, which I think really helped me make a lot of birdies just because the wind really affects how you putt on the greens as well.

I'm really glad that the wind died down.

Q. Absolutely. That always helps. And then I was just going to ask you what it's been like -- you said this is your first time here -- what it's been like to eat alongside the pros? Haven't played with them yet, but practice alongside them and see them around? Is it normal to you? Is it a little weird? Are you in shock at all?

ANNA HUANG: At first the practice round days I was really shocked. I was like, oh, wow, there is Nelly Korda; oh, my gosh, there is Lydia Ko.

The past two days I've gotten a little bit used to it. I know that's kind of weird to say, but just seeing them on the course is just like amazing.

The way they play is so different to how we play. It's really amazing to watch.

Q. And how excited are you to be paired with two pros tomorrow and what are you looking forward to most seeing about their games maybe?

ANNA HUANG: I'm really excited to see how they handle like different situations, especially when they're not in the fairways and maybe in some tough places.

So, yeah.

Q. Is there anyone in particular that you looked up to kind of throughout your career on the LPGA Tour?

ANNA HUANG: Definitely Lydia Ko and Nelly Korda. They're my favorite players.

Q. Is there anything this particular maybe about their games that you like specifically that you relate to?

ANNA HUANG: I love how Lydia Ko handles herself on the course. She's always really patient and humble.

Nelly hits it really far and she's just like really confident. She's really confident when she walks and she presents herself really well on the course.

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