Mizuho Americas Open

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Kathryn Ha

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Kathryn, you had an absolutely great round today. Can you just kind of run us through your mindset and what got you there to that play today.

KATHRYN HA: Yeah, I was early off today. I think I had no expectations coming into today. I had a pretty good warmup session and I had a good talk with my coach yesterday, so I think I was feeling pretty confident into today.

But I think the first round playing with the pros, that was my main focus of trying to gain that experience.

Q. And then kind of playing off what you just said about playing with the pros, how did that make you feel and how do you think that helped better your game, just learning from them and being surrounded by them?

KATHRYN HA: I had a great pairing with Bailey and Madelene. I think they made it a really comfortable environment. So we just had a blast out there.

I think I learned a couple tips, especially when it comes to college golf, going pro. That's what my main curiosity was. I was really curious about that, and so they was really helped throughout the day.

Q. And what are you looking forward to tomorrow about your round and the rest of the weekend?

KATHRYN HA: I'm excited for all the spectators. I think that will be a lot more tomorrow. Hopefully I move up the leaderboard a little bit, so maybe I'll have a little later time and I can't wait to see who I'm paired with.

Tomorrow just hopefully a couple more putts drop if that's possible, so, yeah.

Q. What has been your favorite memory at Mizuho this week?

KATHRYN HA: That's a hard one. I really enjoyed the -- going to the city with all the girls, and I think that Around-the-World food night was pretty -- it was a good highlight.

And, sorry, I have one more. With Michelle Wie West, I think her mentorship, like her one-on-one clinics and just how welcoming she is, I think that's been my favorite part of the week.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
144253-1-1041 2024-05-18 18:42:00 GMT

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