Mizuho Americas Open

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Hannah Green

Quick Quotes

Q. I'm here with Hannah Green after her third round at the Mizuho Americas Open. You just broke the course tournament scoring record here. Just talk about your day. Nine birdies on the scorecard.

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, felt very easy. I guess I, yeah, hit 17 greens and missed a few fairways, but actually hit it really close, so it was really nice to actually not have to stress about trying to make pars today.

But it did feel like autopilot for a little bit there, which is very nice. So, yeah, now I put myself hopefully in contention for Sunday.

Q. Yeah. And we've seen you a lot this year. Had a lot of great rounds. Just what's been going so well for you this year and this stretch of golf?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I feel like I've been able to glue things together. Last week I couldn't keep up with the girls. On the greens is kind of where I lost a lot of shots.

Today I hit it close enough to be able to hole putts, which was nice. Didn't actually hole anything longer than 15 feet, so hitting it very well, so that was very nice.

Yeah, I think just the bad rounds have been better this year, because you're always going to have those rounds. And making sure that you don't make silly mistakes. That's probably been the difference this year.

Q. What's the mentality that goes into that? Is there something you're thinking about differently that's maybe helping that ability to score when the ball is out of position?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I think still being aggressive but probably making sure that if I am aggressive, I know where to miss the shots.

Last year, just, yeah, hit some silly shots and I was just like, professionals don't do that. World No. 1s don't do that.

So I think, yeah, thinking about it a little bit more. Maybe spending a bit more time on decision making while out on the golf course has been a little bit different.

I also think I've been hitting the ball a lot better this year, too.

Q. We always hear happy off the golf course, happy on the golf course. Obviously got married and bought a house. Having a great time off the golf course. Do you think that helps when you come out and you've got some perspective? Couple wins already this year. I'm sure it's making a difference.

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, definitely. I think it's really hard to not take work home, and then also have home affect what you're doing for work. So even as an athlete you experience that. Because I've had so many great things happen outside of golf it has reflected on the play this year.

Also my husband is coming out next week, so he'll be out for the next five weeks. That also has been really nice to look forward to. I haven't seen him since before Palos Verdes.

Yeah, it definitely has a big play, and when things are going well usually things in your life are going well and vice versa.

Yeah, at the moment I'm in a very good spot both on and off the course.

Q. I know we've been talking about Nelly Korda, but arguably you're just as hot right now. Been playing just as solid this season with two wins already. How much fun have you having on the golf course, and how has that translated to getting those victories, getting those Top 10s, and even vaulting up in the Rolex Rankings?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, no, it's made a big difference. I think Grant Boone said something last week like I'm the next person in line behind Nelly Korda. I was like, yes. Because right now Nelly is very much out of reach of getting world No. 1.

Yeah, I still want to get into the Top 5 in the world now that I got into the top 10. Yeah, just want to keep pushing, not get too ahead of myself.

But, yeah, it's definitely the change and a goal since I already ticked off the top 10. Yeah, it's nice to be able to be in form.

We've got a really good stretch of events coming up and I hope I can be more in contention for the majors coming up.

Q. One more round here at Liberty National. You see a low one out there, see that autopilot, good golf shots. What are you thinking heading into tomorrow?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I actually have no idea what the weather is like tomorrow. This morning because I tee'd off early I really had no wind to contend with. Obviously a later tee time might be a little bit different. Might not be able to have nine birdies.

Yeah, put myself up there. I'm sure there will be a lot of low scores coming in so see where I sit myself.

Hope I'm not too far back and just keep doing what I did today.

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