Mizuho Americas Open

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Jennifer Kupcho

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I'm here with Jennifer Kupcho after her third round at the Mizuho Americas Open. Can you just take us through your three solid rounds and how you've been putting yourself at the top with each day?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Yeah, I think I've kind of been struggling a little bit hitting iron shots this week. Been able to, the first two days, definitely scramble a little bit to make pars.

Today I hit it quite a bit better into the greens; not so much off the tee. It's kind of just going out and scrambling, focusing on every shot with where I put myself.

Q. Obviously last year finished runner-up here and also made a late charge. How important is it to stay patient through each round here at Liberty National?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: I think it's really hard. The golf course is really hard. There are a lot of hazards, a lot of things can happen, especially coming down the stretch.

So really staying patient and having what the golf course gives you and really just kind of fighting through every shot.

Q. We saw early on you had that eagle on the par-4. I think it was 3.


Q. Can you just take us through that second shot?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Yeah. I had a pretty perfect number. Landed just past the hole and spun back in. That was pretty cool.

Q. What was the number?


Q. What club?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Pitching wedge.

Q. Okay, so short. And then finishing your back nine with three birdies and a couple to close, how are you staying patient out there sinking those last couple birdies before coming in?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Yeah, I mean, I kind of just like was out there missing shots, missing birdie putts, really just telling myself just try and get to nine or ten.

I mean, that's what I ended up doing, so, yeah, just telling myself to be patient, keep giving myself chances, and eventually something is going to fall.

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