Mizuho Americas Open

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Gianna Clemente

Quick Quotes

Q. All right are here with Gianna after her third round at the Mizuho Americas Open. Currently leading right now I believe. Just talk about your day you had out there.

GIANNA CLEMENTE: Yeah, it was definitely very solid today. I almost was very close to having my A-game yesterday and the putts just didn't fall.

So I knew I had it in me today. I went out there and hit it really well, just like yesterday, and the putts happened to fall today.

Q. And you played in this event last year, too, if I remember correctly. What did you learn most about this event last year?

GIANNA CLEMENTE: Just that it's really important to enjoy the experience. This is a once-a-year thing for all of us. It's just really important to enjoy it and take in the scenery.

Obviously we're all going to be very competitive out there, but it's just really important to just enjoy it while you're at it.

Q. What was it like playing alongside the pros today?

GIANNA CLEMENTE: It's awesome. I've played in four LPGA events, and every time it's just awesome. Just to see the way that they play versus you and to kind of stack up your game against theirs, it's really cool. I played with a lot of pros and it's amazing.

Q. Anything you learned in particular from watching them today? Or the past week in general, seeing them practice and just being around?

GIANNA CLEMENTE: Yeah, I think that's really beneficial just to see the way they play certain holes maybe different or similar to my game.

So just kind of watching them and also playing my own round, but just kind of watching what they do is -- can be really beneficial. A lot of things you can take from it.

Q. What's the mindset heading into tomorrow?

GIANNA CLEMENTE: Same as today. I'm just going to keep hitting at pins. I know I'm hitting it really well. Been swinging really well for a while now and just been a matter of whether I can get the putts to drop.

Hopefully we can go out and do that again.

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