Mizuho Americas Open

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Ayaka Furue

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Ayaka, another really good round for you today. What were some of the keys for you out there in it the third round?

AYAKA FURUE: I could concentrate on my play today and I had kind of a lot of birdie chances today so that was kind of good, key point today.

Q. How difficult is getting around this golf course and especially when the conditions sort of turn on you in the middle of the round?

AYAKA FURUE: There was not that much wind at first, but it's gradually getting windy and then it's difficult to like spin control, like manage the spin control.

Q. Yana just complimented you on hitting it so straight and finding all the fairways. How important is it to do that here at Liberty National?

AYAKA FURUE: It's not that big fairways so I think it's really important to hit straight to the fairway and get in the middle of the fairway.

Q. And then last question: What sort of round do you have to put together now on the last day to maybe get a win here?

AYAKA FURUE: Just keep my momentum and then if I get birdie chance, I just want to make that putt. Yeah.

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