Mizuho Americas Open

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Kaili Xiao

Quick Quotes

Q. So you just played four rounds. Why don't you talk a little bit about your experience playing at the Mizuho Americas Open.

KAILI XIAO: Well, it feel really good. For the course, it's hard, and the course is really nice. Thanks for AJGA for giving us this challenge, can play with LPGA.

I learn a lot and the course is really hard. Like for the first day it's windy and that let me know about how to play in windy days.

Q. Perfect. And you played two rounds with professional golfers. What have you learned from them?

KAILI XIAO: Wow, they are really like focused on the course and like every shot they were really like the numbers is really know it, and their short game a really good. Like their short putt, they never miss that.

That was really I need to practice. And their like drivers is really straight. My driver is like pew, pew, pew, anywhere.

Q. What has been your favorite memory this week?

KAILI XIAO: It's a lot. Like on the course is the pretty course to look at. Like the ocean and like it was amazing to go like walk around the course and like enjoy it.

Q. I saw you signing photographs after you finished on 18. What was that experience like?

KAILI XIAO: It was really excited and like to feel really nice.

Q. Perfect. And how has this week helped you with realizing your future goals in golf?

KAILI XIAO: Actually like for after, for the future, to give me a lot of challenge, like what should I do and after what should I practice more about that.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
144312-1-1041 2024-05-19 21:05:00 GMT

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