Mizuho Americas Open

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Yana Wilson

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I'm here with Yana Wilson. Really good round today and good effort. I know you were the defending champion. How much did you enjoy coming here, trying to defend your title this year at the Mizuho Americas Open?

YANA WILSON: I really enjoyed it. I know defending your title can be really hard, even harder than winning, so I'm kind of proud of the effort that I put in and that I still came in second or third. I don't know what I came in.

But I still put up a good effort.

Q. Yeah. I see T2nd right now. Still really good effort.


Q. You were just mentioning to me this may be the last of your junior events. You may throw another on the schedule later. How much has junior golf and this experience meant to you?

YANA WILSON: Yeah, it's been such a fun ride. I'm obviously going to miss it so much. Junior golf has taught me a lot about myself and a lot about my game. I'm just really grateful to have gone through it all with the AJGA.

They're such a great organization that ran so many tournaments that I have enjoyed playing over the years. Yeah, I'm kind of sad that it's over now.

Q. You still have much coming up. Evian later this year you're playing in.


Q. How excited are you for the major championship?

YANA WILSON: I'm very excited. I feel like tournaments like this really help me prepare because you're playing against the world's best over here, so I think it's really great prep.

But Evian will be unreal. I've heard only good things and I'm just so excited to tee it up over there in France.

Q. Last question: What was some of the main takeaways you've learned from the pros this week that maybe help you as you prepare to go for qualifying later this year?

YANA WILSON: Yeah, I learned that boring golf is the best kind of golf out here. Three of the girls that I played with the last two days, that's all -- that's what they played, is just boring golf.

It wasn't anything too crazy. They have one swing. They repeat it all the time. So I think that's just the biggest thing I'll take with me and just make less mistakes as possible. I think that's very important.

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