NCAA Women's Basketball Championship: First Round - UNLV vs Creighton

Friday, March 22, 2024

Los Angeles, California, USA

Pauley Pavilion

Creighton Bluejays

Jim Flanery

Lauren Jensen

Emma Ronsiek

Media Conference

JIM FLANERY: Yeah, thrilled to be here. Really proud of our group. 25-5 is a testament to the work that they have put in and the connectedness that they have and just the consistency has been -- has really been there all year.

And so we know we have a big challenge tomorrow with UNLV, a program that they are in their third straight NCAA Tournament, so they know how to win, and I know only lost twice this year.

So it's a great challenge for us. We've had a week to prepare. I think we'll be ready to go, and I know our players are excited. You know, when your name gets called on Selection Sunday, there are few things better when you're doing what these guys do or what I do. We'll be ready to go tomorrow.

Q. You guys are the first student athletes to qualify for three consecutive NCAA Tournaments. I know the season is not over and there's still more to play for but has that sunk in at all that this program's history; that you're the first to do that?

LAUREN JENSEN: Yeah, it's really cool. You know, it's an honor. This program is great. There's been so many great players and great teams that have come before us, and to be the first team that has done it three years in a row, it means a lot.

EMMA RONSIEK: Yeah, what Lauren said. Coming into Creighton, we knew that this class, especially, was going to be special but then just learning from past players and then having really great underclassmen -- yeah, it's just been awesome and it's an awesome reward to be doing this three times.

Q. Have you talked to your sister last week?

JIM FLANERY: Yeah, I talked to her a few times on the phone, just watching up, seeing what UNLV is all about. But yeah, UNLV is going to be a really good game. They are going to be challenging us on all ends of the floor, so we are really excited to just get this game going.

Q. How much do you draw from your run two years ago and your early exit last year, and what you can use that for going into this one?

LAUREN JENSEN: Yeah, we've definitely had both sides of it. Two years ago we went to the Elite 8 and last year had an early exit in the first round. So drawing on that experience, you know, we've been here before, and leaning into that and leaning into each other is going to be important.

EMMA RONSIEK: Yeah, I also think that's what makes basketball such a special sport is that on any given day, any team can beat anyone, especially in the NCAA Tournament because every team has earned a spot here. I think that's what makes what we did our sophomore year really special.

But also looking back at last year, it was a one-and-done situation for us, but I think we are still proud of what we did last year, and we are still looking to grow this year even more.

Q. How much have you been able to take in on what UNLV does? What have you learned over the last week?

JIM FLANERY: Sure. Honestly going in, I did not know a lot. I had not seen them play earlier, you know, but they did play two common opponents, Seton Hall and Wyoming, who they played twice. So leaned into those films a little bit. But you know, I knew about how good Desi-Rae Young is, was, because I had heard her name quite a bit. And Ashley Scoggin had played at Nebraska, so we were familiar with her and knew that she was here.

Yeah, they are a really balanced team. It starts, obviously, with Young in the post but really impressed with their point guard, Jackson. She's a really good player in a lot of ways, and they shoot it well. They can score inside. I like their rotation. They seem to have continuity there, and they have a freshman who you can really tell has blossomed over the course of the year, Kimpson, and like I said, they are used to winning.

The nice part about it is, you know, we got the news Sunday night and we are not playing till Saturday, so that's plenty of time to prep, both ways. They are going to be prepared for us and we are going to be prepared for them, whether they had any idea what we were like before, you know, when you do have that, almost a full week, you feel a little bit better. Coaches a like to be prepared, and players, especially this group.

So I think we'll have in all the necessary things that we need to have in, but I also think, you know, in the tournament, there are in-game adjustments that you have to have. Because there is, even with all the prep we've had this week, there is little a less familiarity than you get in the league when you're playing and you know the coaches and when you know the teams as well as you do.

So I feel like there has to be just enough -- just a little bit more in-game stuff because you're not necessarily quite as familiar.

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