Maybank Championship

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club

Rose Zhang

Quick Quotes

Q. Okay, here with Rose Zhang after her first round at the Maybank Championship. How happy are you to get off the course and finish with such a great round right before the lightning and rain started?

ROSE ZHANG: I'm super happy, especially going into the last hole I knew we were cutting it close. I was telling Ollie we had to speed up. Please let the rain stay away for just a little bit.

But I had a short yardage in. I was trying to make my putt. But I'm glad that I came off the course, played solid. Overall it was a very solid day.

Q. What was maybe the key for you out there today or what do you have to do on this course to be successful?

ROSE ZHANG: Right, so today I felt like everything was about placement: placing the ball in the fairway and onto the green, making yourself go for birdie opportunities when necessary.

I know that there is so many great players out here, so it's really important to stay aggressive and committed. That's what I really tried to do, and ultimately the short stick has to work, so that really helped me today.

Q. What were some of the key holes and moments out there for you today?

ROSE ZHANG: I wouldn't even say key holes that really propelled me to my score, but on 14 I was able to make a really good par save, so going from there it kind of gave me the momentum to keep going and play the best I can, finish out.

Q. What's going to be some of the keys tomorrow now that you got a full 18 holes in?

ROSE ZHANG: Tomorrow is the same thing really. Just staying composed, making sure my yardages and numbers are good, and going from there. Committing to every shot possible.

Game plan will still be the same. Just reevaluate a little bit and go from there.

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138549-1-1041 2023-10-26 07:14:00 GMT

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