Maybank Championship

Friday, October 27, 2023

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club

Celine Boutier


Q. 8-under par, 64. You started off on the 10th, the par-5, with a bogey. Guessing that fired you up a little bit.

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, it was not the best start. I three-putted on my first hole, so, yeah, I was not really happy with my putting already on the first hole.

And then starting off with a three-putt was not great, but then I had a good birdie chance on 11, which was my second hole, and made it. That kind of gave me a little bit more of a positive outlook on the rest of the day.

Q. You had an incredible year. Three wins, including a major championship. Have you had to readjust your goals and expectations as the year has gone along?

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, definitely. I feel like coming into this season I just wanted to have a win, and I feel like I was able to early enough in the season that I was able to relax a little bit more.

Now I feel like I'm just trying to play my best, but definitely trying to play for the top spot on the race, so that's is something I wasn't really expecting at the beginning of the year.

Q. Last year on the LPGA Tour you were 75th in scrambling. This year, first. Has that been a focus of yours to improve that?

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, I mean, I always try to improve on my short game. I feel like it's always helpful out there. Definitely was not expecting to be ranked first. I didn't think -- I mean, I thought I had some good saves for sure, but didn't think I was going to be leading.

That's definitely very helpful. Gives you more confidence, especially when you're struggling a bit with the long game or something like that. You feel like at least you know your short game is there to save you.

I feel like that's something that's always positive, and I hope I keep going that way.

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138558-2-1041 2023-10-27 06:00:00 GMT

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