Maybank Championship

Friday, October 27, 2023

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club

Rose Zhang

Quick Quotes

Q. Okay, here with Rose Zhang. Another really solid round out here for you. I know I asked this yesterday, but what is about this course that is suiting your game this week?

ROSE ZHANG: I think in general, it's just you have to have a really solid game plan. You have to be able to commit to every single golf shot and really never give up.

I think that's the biggest thing out here.

If you're rolling your putts well you'll have a good amount of birdie opportunities, but you have to be able to place the ball first. Fairways, greens, putts, that's the biggest thing.

Q. Maybe how was the course different today than yesterday? Seems it's playing a little harder.

ROSE ZHANG: It definitely is. There were a couple pin locations that I felt like were very tricky, and especially if you don't place the ball where you need to on the fairway, you know, bogey, double, it's all in play.

So I think that was the biggest thing. And just in general as the week goes on everyone is fatigued from the heat and humidity, so that's a factor, too.

Q. As the week goes on, two more rounds to go, but your name is at the top of the leaderboard going into moving day. What would it mean to you to put another win together out here, the second of your rookie season?

ROSE ZHANG: It would be incredible. It's not really something that I think about a lot. I feel like there is a lot of incredible players out here who can put up incredible numbers, so for me it's just being able to take that step by step and having that game plan with Ollie, being able to commit to every single shot, and then we'll go from there. If I end up in that position, I'll be working my hardest.

Q. Last question: You mentioned fatigue. I know this is like your fourth week in a row here. What makes you so excited to come here and play in Asia this year that you're going to do a five-weeker?

ROSE ZHANG: It's incredible. That's all I wanted when I came out here on tour, to travel the world, see different things, eat different foods, meet different people.

And with that in mind, being here in Asia, it's all kind of a challenge and a new experience for me, which is exactly why I wanted to take it on.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
138564-1-1041 2023-10-27 06:52:00 GMT

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