Maybank Championship

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club

Ashleigh Buhai

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Ashleigh Buhai, big hole-in-one today for you. Take me through it.

ASHLEIGH BUHAI: Yeah, I had like I think it was about 98 meters, which was a perfect yardage for a full gap wedge. Hit it straight at the pin. Pitched like two yards short.

I couldn't see it go in, but we heard from the crowd at the top that it went in.

Q. Were you surprised when you hard, or did you not understand what was going on? Can take me through the emotions of you and Tonya?

ASHLEIGH BUHAI: I just threw the club up in the air and was like, about time, because, I mean, I burn edges all day. I just said, well at least it's one way I don't have to putt. Just more relief that I finally got under par today.

Tonya's deal was when I had a hole-in-one she had to do cartwheels. So I said, start doing cartwheels.

Q. It was your first hole in one on the LPGA, right?


Q. Okay. Last question. $20,000 being donated now to St. Jude's Children's Hospital. What is your reaction to that? Your hole in one just made a big donation to kids.

ASHLEIGH BUHAI: That's very cool. Forgot completely about that. At least it's going towards something. Tonya is disappointed there was no car, but that's going to a much better cause.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
138580-1-1041 2023-10-28 05:39:00 GMT

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