Maybank Championship

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club

Atthaya Thitikul

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Atthaya Thitikul after her 10-under third round today. The birdies were just coming for you today. Can you compare your round today and yesterday?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Made more putts. I would say made more putts. Yesterday I didn't hit that bad, but like just couldn't roll it in. But today I think I hit it closer than yesterday too and also make more putt than yesterday.

But, I mean, the pin was easier than yesterday also. Yesterday the pin was tough.

Q. Yesterday you only had one birdie and 17 pars. Was that frustrating at the end of the day? Were you really trying to focus on birdies today because of that?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: I tried to be on the positive side, which is like at least I'm bogey-free for yesterday.

Yeah, also, I mean, like trying to give myself a lot of chance to make a birdie or make a putt. It's kind of frustrating when you're not making putts while you're hitting good.

But today just like maybe more commitment and trust on myself than yesterday.

Q. One bogey on the card in three rounds. Is that maybe just as important as making birdies out here?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: I think making birdies here, it's easier. I mean, like, yeah, it's good when you're not making a bogey, but everyone out here can make a birdie, which is like kind of strategy.

Like you can make a bogey but also you have to make a lot of birdie. Instead of if you have bogey-free but just you only have one birdie like I did yesterday, it's not going to work. (Laughter.)

Q. Got you. So coming into the final round tomorrow and you're in the top and you're in Malaysia, which is very close to Thailand, how do you feel about the atmosphere here and the fans and everything?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Well, you know, this is my first professional tournament in Malaysia, and my second -- just my second time in Malaysia.

I didn't expect going to be a lot of fan like this. I mean, like it's not that big country and also I don't know, it's golf like impact all the people to come out that much.

So really interesting to see all the people come out, and also nice that they're cheering me on as well.

Q. Tomorrow is the last day of the tournament. What's your hope for tomorrow's game?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: I hope like I could enjoy it, enjoy the course, I could enjoy me on the course, and then I could enjoy the challenge of it for tomorrow.

I hope I can finish before the rain. I'm going back to Thailand the day after.

Q. My last question is: If you win tomorrow it will be your first of the season and you'll be going back home like you said right after. What would it mean to pull a win at the end of the season before you go home?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: I think it would mean the world to me and all my team. If it's happen it would be happy, but if it's not, I still happy with all the result or all the thing I have put it all in here in this week.

So, yeah.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
138583-1-1041 2023-10-28 06:06:00 GMT

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