Maybank Championship

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club

Mirabel Ting


Q. Six birdie, one bogey. How would you rate your performance?

MIRABEL TING: I think I did a really good job today, especially the front nine. The back nine was the harder nine for me. Made a couple mistakes coming in. Putts didn't drop. Was a little bit impatient.

Got it around and finished birdie on 14 and 18 to finish the round, and I was expecting it to happen and it did, so pretty happy.

Q. Against the best in the world, how do you deal with the pressure as an amateur?

MIRABEL TING: I told myself coming into this, just play my game. You know, if putts drops, it drops. I'm here to learn this week and I'm here to just experience what it's like to be on the LPGA Tour.

Q. For tomorrow do you have the same game plan or do you have anything change?

MIRABEL TING: I will stick with the same game plan, but I would want to try to be a little bit more patient on the golf course and try not to make things happen.

Q. (Indiscernible.)

MIRABEL TING: I'm not really expecting anything, but just want to get out there and try my best and do my best out there and whatever the outcome is, it is what it is.

Q. Any comment on the crowd?

MIRABEL TING: Not really.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
150012-1-1041 2024-10-24 06:19:00 GMT

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