Maybank Championship

Friday, October 25, 2024

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club

Ashley Lau

Quick Quotes - First Round

Q. So maybe just walk me through your round. I think you had a pretty good start and then it started to get a little shaky.


Q. Go through how it felt on the first nine and then maybe how shaky you were and how you kept yourself through it all.

ASHLEY LAU: Yeah, I think the first two holes is when I was very, very nervous, especially the opening tee shot. I feel like I've always been nervous on the first tee.

I think i've held it well. Started my first seven holes 2-under par, so I was hitting good shots; just wasn't really converting putts.

And then I think just made a few wrong club choices in the middle and didn't really have the amount of birdies to compensate the mistakes.

So, yeah, I think I'm just maybe thinking I'm saving my putts for the next three days. So, yeah, I think that's how it went.

Coming down the stretch I had a couple good birdie chances; just didn't convert as well.

Same game plan tomorrow. Just a lot of rest.

Q. Do you feel like your preparation going into this year is probably better than last year with how you're feeling right now?

ASHLEY LAU: Yeah, I would say preparation has been about the same. More experience I think will help a lot today and the next three days.

Yeah, I think I'm more comfortable out here than last you're for sure.

Q. You were mentioning how your putts weren't dropping. Any other part of your game that you felt like pushed you through it today?

ASHLEY LAU: I think on the first my approaching, I was hitting it to like 10, 12 average, about there.

So, yeah, just giving myself birdie opportunities and hopefully more of that tomorrow and the weekend.

Q. One more last question: You played with the World No. 2 today. Since you're on Epson Tour, steppingstone to LPGA, how does it feel to play with such a high-profile player?

ASHLEY LAU: It's a good experience for sure. Just seeing how she was where I am gives me a little bit of comfort.

I was talking to her about it on the course and she said everyone is going to have lows so just got to go through it.

So yeah, I think she's very, very nice. I talked to her a lot today. I had a lot of fun despite not playing my best. Yeah, just want to go out there and have fun again.

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