Maybank Championship

Friday, October 25, 2024

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club

Narin An

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Narin after the second round the Maybank Championship. Another good round today; near the top of the leaderboard. Talk about how you felt out there.

NARIN AN: Yesterday and today was good, like finish with the putter. That's why I made birdies today.

Q. Was there anything to your putting? You think your putting really stood out today?


Q. Did you see any differences on the course today?

NARIN AN: Was nothing different. If I one thing, today is like my back a little like so sore, like hurting, so that's why I tried to moving like smoothly.

But it doesn't work, so I tried to like just to the target then makes it go to there. So, yeah.

Q. Did that make you have patience today, your back feeling like that?

NARIN AN: Yeah, I think so. I think it's my focus more on the more painful, so that's why I don't think a lot during playing.

Q. That helps. Anything you're looking forward to on the weekend?

NARIN AN: Hopefully get better my back, and, yeah, and then good putter two more days, that will be really good.

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