Maybank Championship

Friday, October 25, 2024

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club

Ashley Lau

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Ashley Lau after round two. Not very good start but you finished strong. Talk us through your round today.

ASHLEY LAU: Yeah, it was a very slow start for me. Yeah, it felt like I wasn't doing good on the front nine but I shot 1-under.

I think putts started going in on the second nine, so very glad they did.

Q. Seemed to be a bit more windy. Did that affect play?

ASHLEY LAU: I don't think so. It was more just one yard short and then the ball came all the way back from the slope, that kind of stuff.

So, yeah, I think just had to play more conservative. Yeah, maybe I guess a little bit the wind did affect it.

Yeah, then on the second nine, yeah, just more aggressive with my play.

Q. And still a good bounceback from yesterday. Are you happy?

ASHLEY LAU: Yeah. Yeah. I would say so.

Q. And any change in your game plan going into the weekend?

ASHLEY LAU: No, I don't think so. Just same thing. On the shorter holes just take more advantage of it and then on the longer holes just try to be more conservative and hit in the middle of the green.

Q. (Indiscernible.)

ASHLEY LAU: Oh, really?

Q. Just comment on that.

ASHLEY LAU: I don't really look at the leaderboard, so I didn't even know before you told me. But I think everyone plays their own game, so I don't really compare myself to other people.

She plays her game; I play my game. I think we're both trying to play as best we can out here.

Q. Yesterday you told us that today you wanted to make (indiscernible) decision. You did it?

ASHLEY LAU: Yeah, I think a lot of it I made the right decision. Yeah, there was just one hole I went into the water which was very, very surprising.

But other than that, I think I made some pretty good choices out there.

Q. Can I ask since you said you had a slow start, how do you probably -- what kind of thoughts were going through your head to keep yourself in the zone before coming into the second nine?

ASHLEY LAU: I think I was getting a little frustrated out there, just a little impatient. But my caddie told me, stay patient out there. You have a lot more holes to go, so I did that and then, yeah, birdies started coming.

Q. You're probably on track to really being better than last year. How do you feel about that?

ASHLEY LAU: I think I said yesterday I'm definitely more comfortable out here being with the top players, and, yeah, hopefully just kind of gives little future of I can be out here, I can compete with the players, too.

Yeah, it's a good feeling for sure.

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