Maybank Championship

Friday, October 25, 2024

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club

Maja Stark


Q. Your timing couldn't be better when we look at the weather outside.

MAJA STARK: I know. Yeah, we ran up 18 because we saw the clouds surrounding us. And looking outside, I'm happy we did run.

Q. Well played. Two rounds of 66. What's been the key, the difference this week to see you at the top of the leaderboard?

MAJA STARK: I think my short irons for sure. The course has been set up pretty seemless the first two days when it comes to distances and we have a lot of short irons in and I've just been trying to trust my putter more than I have recently.

Thankfully I've been lucky. I've been reading, yeah, getting the right reads, too, so that's nice.

Q. The greens are rolling beautifully. You're in an excellent position going into the weekend. Obviously you want to be in the lead. Are you a person that looks at the leaderboards at the weekend? Did you relish this opportunity to have that target on your back?

MAJA STARK: I do look at the leaderboards, but I don't know, feels like it's been so long since I was in this position so I don't really remember.

I'm just going to try to not freak out if people are passing me and just keep my cool.

Q. Which is tough to do in these conditions because it's seriously hot out there. Very different to Sweden.

MAJA STARK: Very, very different. It's never been in this hot in Sweden. Yeah, I'm going to go back to the hotel and just be indoors for the rest of the day.

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